

单词 code of practice

code of practice
1. A body of rules for practical guidance only, or that sets out professional standards of behaviour, but does not have the force of law, e.g. the Highway Code. Under the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973 and the Enterprise Act 2002, the Office of Fair Trading (now abolished) had the duty of encouraging trade associations to prepare and distribute to their members codes of practice for guidance in safeguarding and promoting the interests of UK consumers. Codes of practice have also been published by ACAS, the Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities Commission, and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, providing guidance to employers, employees, and their representatives on the fulfilment of their statutory obligations in relevant fields.

Generally, failure to comply with a code of practice does not automatically expose the party in breach to prosecution or any civil remedy. It may, however, be relied on as evidence tending to show that he has not fulfilled some relevant statutory requirement. 2. Any of the codes issued by the Home Secretary under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and approved by Parliament (the PACE codes); the codes have been revised severally, with the most recent revision coming into force on 21 August 2019 and applying to Codes C and H. Code A deals with the exercise by police officers of statutory powers to search a person or a vehicle without first making an arrest. It also deals with the need for a police officer to make a record of a stop or encounter. Code B deals with police powers to search premises and to seize and retain property found on premises and persons. Code C sets out the requirements for the detention, treatment, and questioning of people in police custody by police officers. Code D concerns the main methods used by the police to identify people in connection with the investigation of offences and the keeping of accurate and reliable criminal records. Code E deals with the tape recording of interviews with suspects in the police station. Code F deals with the visual recording with sound of interviews with suspects. Code G deals with powers of arrest under section 24 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 as amended by section 110 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005. Code H deals with the detention and questioning of terrorism suspects in police custody.





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