

单词 safety representatives

safety representatives
Employees appointed by trade unions to represent the interests of their colleagues regarding their health, safety, and welfare at work. Regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 give a trade union recognized as having negotiating rights on behalf of a group or class of employees the right to appoint at least one of those employees as a safety representative. The representatives’ statutory powers include the investigation of accidents and industrial diseases occurring at the workplace and inspection of the premises to determine their causes. The employer must allow them time off work with pay to train for and perform their duties and to attend meetings of safety committees. In workplaces where there is no recognized trade union the employer must consult directly with the employees or with an elected representative of employee safety. Dismissal of a safety representative for reasons connected with that role is automatically unfair, it being an inadmissible reason. There is no maximum limit on compensation in such cases. See also disclosure of information.





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