

单词 Issue of new shares
释义 發行新股
An issue of shares that have not yet been allotted by an issuer of securities. An issue of new shares follows a person subscribing to primary offer of securities. How to apply the proceeds of the issue of new shares is regarded as internal management of a company and the court would not interfere if the company acted within its power: Yetts v Norfolk Rly Co (1849) 3 De G & Sm 293.
指未由證券發出人分配的股票發行。當某人對某證券作出首批認購後,該等新股則會發行。如何申請發行新股的收益被視為某公司的內部管理事項,若公司在其權力範圍內作出作為,法庭不會提出干預:Yetts v Norfolk Rly Co(1849) 3 De G & Sm 293。




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