

单词 Case stated
释义 案件呈述
In practice, the parties to the appeal draft the case and submit it to the magistrate: A-G v Leung Chi Kin [1974] HKLR 269; A-G v Kwan Ngan Chung [1981] HKC 439 (HC). The case must be signed by the magistrate: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) s 105. The case stated must set forth the facts and the grounds on which the conviction, order or determination was granted and the grounds on which the proceeding is questioned: s 105. The facts should be stated in a clear and unambiguous fashion: Seymour v King [1954] 38 HKLR 214. The case should state both the primary facts and the inferences drawn from them: A-G v Munro-Smith [1961] HKLR 209 (FC). The case should also include the principles of law upon which the magistrate proceeded and should indicate the law he has applied to the facts: A-G v Munro-Smith, supra; A-G v Tsang Sui Wo (HCMA 250/88, unreported). The point of law and the issue for the opinion of the judge should be stated clearly: R v Chow Ha [1956] 40 HKLR 3. The case should be complete in itself: A-G v Yau Ka Ping [1977] HKLR 76 (CA); A-G v Li Nai Ho [1980] HKLR 792. Also known as ‘stated case’. See also Appeal.
由上訴各方當事人草擬的案件,並呈交予裁判官:A-G v Leung Chi Kin [1974] HKLR 269; A-G v Kwan Ngan Chung [1981] HKC 439(高等法院)。該案件須由裁判官簽署:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第105條。案件呈述須列舉作出該定罪、命令或裁定所據的事實及理由,以及該項法律程序受質疑的理由:第105條。該等理由必須清楚明白地列出:Seymour v King [1954] 38 HKLR 214。案件呈述應列舉基本事實及從基本事實作出的推論:A-G v Munro-Smith [1961] HKLR 209(全體法院)。案件呈述亦應包括裁判官藉以裁決的法律原則,並應表明其應用於有關事實的法律:A-G v Munro-Smith, supra; A-G v Tsang Sui Wo (高等裁判法院上訴1988年第250號,未經彙報)。同時亦應清楚列舉意圖尋求法官意見的法律論點和爭論點:R v Chow Ha [1956] 40 HKLR 3。案件呈述本身應是完整的:A-G v Yau Ka Ping [1977] HKLR 76(上訴法院);A-G v Li Nai Ho [1980] HKLR 792。另稱「呈述的案件」。另見 Appeal。




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