

单词 Children's testimony
释义 兒童所提供的證據
The evidence of a child given orally in court. In common law, the judge or magistrate must satisfy that the child understands the obligation of the oath and the capacity of the child to perceive evidence before the child was held competent: R v Williams (1835) 7 C & P 320. In Hong Kong, this rule has been modified and there is no need to determine the competence of a child provided that a child’s evidence in criminal proceedings shall be given unsworn: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 4(2). ‘Child’ is defined as a person under 14 years of age: s 4(1). A child witness was to be regarded as a competent witness unless the contrary was shown: R v Lam Chi Keung [1997] 2 HKC 250 (CA). Even if a child was unable to articulate the importance of telling the truth or the judge failed to bring home to the child the importance of telling the truth, the child’s evidence would not per se be inadmissible: R v Hampshire [1996] QB 1; R v Lam Chi Keung, supra. See also Child’s declaration not on oath; Unsworn evidence of children; Witness.
兒童在法庭口頭提供的證據。在普通法上,法官或裁判官必須信納兒童明白宣誓的責任及有能力認清證據,方可裁定兒童有能力提供證據:R v Williams (1853) 7 C & P 320。在香港,該項規定已獲修訂,即無需斷定兒童是否有能力提供證據,只要在刑事法律程序中,兒童的證據是在未經宣誓下提供的:《證據條例》(第8章) 第4(2)條。「兒童」的定義是未滿14歲的人:《證據條例》第4(1)條。兒童擔任證人,當作有資格提供證據,除非相反證明成立:R v Lam Chi Keung [1991] 2 HKC 250 (上訴法院)。就算兒童未能認清說出事實的重要性,或法官未能令兒童掌握說出事實的重要性,兒童的證供本身不會不獲接納:R v Hampshire [1996] QB 1; R v Lam Chi Keung見上文。另見 Child’s declaration not on oath; Unsworn evidence of children; Witness。




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