

单词 Proof of identity
释义 身份證明文件
A method of establishing beyond doubt a person’s identity. Proof of identity requires that a person furnish appropriate documents such as valid identity card; a document issued by the Commissioner of Registration acknowledging that that person has applied to be registered under the Registration of Persons Ordinance (Cap 177) or for a new identity card; a valid travel document held by him; documentary proof of identity officially issued to him for the purpose of his service in the military forces stationed in Hong Kong by the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China; or a Vietnamese refugee card issued to him: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 17B(1). The Legislative Council may by resolution delete from or add to this list, documents which may be used as proof of identity: s 17B(2).
無可置疑地確定某人身份的方法。身份證明需要某人提供適當的文件如有效的身份證;由人事登記處處長發出的文件表明該人已申請根據《人事登記條例》(第177章)予以登記或發給新身份證;他所持有的有效旅遊證件;因服役於中華人民共和國中央人民政府派駐香港特別行政區軍隊而獲正式發給的身份證明文件;或 獲發給的越南難民證:《入境條例》(第115章)第17B(1)條。立法局可藉決議對上述名單作出增刪:第17B(2)條。




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