

单词 Property
释义 財產
The term ‘property’ is used to denote either rights in the nature of ownership or the corporeal things, whether land or goods, which are the subject of such rights: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, 2001 Reissue, Land [230.0007]. It includes money, goods, choses in action and land; and obligations, easements and every description of estate, interest and profit, present or future, vested or contingent, arising out of or incident to the property: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. It also includes all other property, real and personal, including things in action and other intangible property: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 5(1). Property is either real (ie an interest or estate in land), or personal (ie interests in things other than land including chattels and choses in action). These rights, generally referred to as proprietary rights, are enforceable against the whole world. In the case of land, ‘property’ means a corporeal thing. Interests that are less than ownership may also be property, for example, an incorporeal right such as an easement is a property interest. See also Chattel real; Chose in action; Personal property; Real property.
「財產」一詞用以表示所有權性質或有體財產的權利,此權的主題可以是土地或貨物: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊(2001年再發行)土地,第[230.0007]段。財產包括金錢、貨物、法據動產和土地;及財產所產生或附帶的義務、地役權以及各類產業、利益和利潤,不論是現存的或將來的、既得的或待確定的:《釋義及通則條例》(第 1章)第3條。財產包括金錢及所有其他土地及非土地財產,亦包括據法權產及其他無形財產:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第5(1)條 。財產可以是不動產(即土地的權益或產業)或動產(即物品而非土地的權益,包括物件和法據動產)。這些權利一般稱作所有權權利並可針對全世界強制執行。就土地的情況而言,「財產」指有體財產。較所有權為少的權益也可以是財物,例如無體的權利如地役權是財物權益。另見 Chattel real; Chose in action; Personal property; Real property。 n.




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