

单词 Property settlement
释义 授產安排
An order issued by the court for property adjustment, whether it is for transfer or settlement or variation of settlement, on granting a decree of divorce, a decree of nullity of marriage or a decree of judicial separation, or at any time after the granting of such decree: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 6(1). Although the application is for a transfer of property, the court may still order a settlement if it thinks the circumstances so justify. There is no limitation on the term of the settlement: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Family Law [180.420]. It is the duty of the court in deciding whether to exercise this power to have regard to the conduct of the parties and all the circumstances of the case: s 7(1). Settlement of property orders cannot be made upon an application to vary an order for periodical payments: s 11(5). See also Contribution.

法庭在批予離婚判令、婚姻無效判令或裁判分居判令時,或在其後的任何時候,就財產調整發出的命令,不論是財產轉讓、授產安排或是更改授產安排:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第6(1)條。縱然申請為要求財產轉讓,如果法庭認為情況有需要的話,仍可作出授產安排命令。授產安排命令的條款不受任何限制:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第12冊,家庭法,第[180.420]段。法庭在決定應否行使此權力時,有責任顧及婚姻雙方的行為和案件的所有情況:第7(1)條。法庭不可在接獲要求更改申請定期付款命令時,作出授產安排命令:第11(5)條。另見 Contribution。





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