

单词 Comity
释义 禮讓
The body of rules developed in international law by which the courts of a state demonstrate respect for the rules, customs, and laws of another state. Non-observance of comity does not give rise to strict legal consequences, however, the state affected by the non-observance may reciprocate by retracting its own courteous practices. A doctrine of comity was developed by Ulricus Huber, and Paulus and Johannes Voet, stating that a host state, while retaining sovereignty, could accord the laws of another state validity within its territory out of respect for the other state validity within its territory out of respect for the other state. Comitas gentium (Comity of nations) was introduced at the Vienna Congress of 1815. It defined an obligation to apply Roman comitas gentium in diplomatic relations. Comity was at one time considered the basis of conflict of laws rules. Also known as ‘comitas gentium’ or ‘comity of nations’. See also Conflict of laws; Customary international law.
國際法上的規則體系,一國法院據此對另一國的規則、習慣和法律表示尊重。不遵守禮讓不會導致嚴格的法律後果,但是,因此受影響的國家可以相應地撤銷其禮讓實踐。禮讓學說由Ulricus Huber、Paulus和Johannes Voet提出,內容是東道國在保持其主權的前提下,出於尊重外國而產生的對其國家效力的尊重,可以在其領土之內承認外國法律的有效性。1815年維也納會議提出了國際禮讓的概念,界定了國家在外交關係中適用羅馬法國際禮讓的義務。禮讓一度被認為構成國際私法的基礎,另稱「國際禮讓」或「國家間禮讓」。另見 Conflict of laws; Customary international law。 n.




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