

单词 Hinder
释义 妨礙/阻礙
To interfere with for the purpose of delaying a person or thing.
Criminal law - To make another’s performance of a desired activity substantially more difficult by interference. It is an offence to hinder, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse, an apprehension or prosecution: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 90. Non-appearance in court with an intent to hinder or delay court proceeding is a contempt: Weston v Courts Administrator of the Central Criminal Courts [1976] 2 All ER 875, 3 WLR 103, [1977] QB 32 (CA). See also Accessory after the fact; Accessory before the fact; Complicity; Principal in the first degree; Principal in the second degree.
刑法 - 通過干擾使其他人在履行被要求作出的活動時實質上更困難。在無合法權力依據或合理辯解的情況下,阻礙拘捕或檢控即屬犯罪:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第90條。在意圖阻礙或延誤法庭的程序的情況下不出庭,即屬藐視法庭:Weston v Courts Administrator of the Central Criminal Courts [1976] 2 All ER 875, 3 WLR 103, [1977] QB 32(芵國上訴法院)。另見 Accessory after the fact; Accessory before the fact; Complicity; Principal in the first degree; Principal in the second degree。v.




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