

单词 Easement of necessity
释义 必要性地役權
An easement that is created by implied grant or reservation without which there would be a serious impediment to using the dominant tenement. An easement without which the property retained cannot be used at all, and not one merely necessary to the reasonable enjoyment of that property: Union Lighterage Co v London Graving Dock Co [1902] 2 Ch 557 (CA). An easement of necessity usually arises when a grantor alienates part only of a parcel of land, leaving the part retained or the part alienated landlocked, so that a right of way giving access to that part becomes necessary. Despite earlier authority to the effect that an easement of necessity is implied as a matter of public policy, so that land is not left landlocked and unusable, the modern view is that it is only implied where it is the intention of the parties at the time of transfer of the landlocked parcel. An easement of necessity is not implied where there is an alternative means of access, even though that access may be circuitous or inconvenient. It ceases if the necessity ceases, for example if an alternative road is constructed giving access to a landlocked parcel. An easement of necessity may only be used for purposes appropriate to the use of the land at the time the easement arose. See also Dominant tenement; Easement; Easement by implied grant; Easement by implied reservation; Right of way.
指透過隱含授予或保留方式產生的地役權,在缺乏地役權的情況下,使用亨役地時將會受嚴重阻礙。在沒有地役權的情況下,不僅絲毫不可使用保留的物業,亦不可僅為需要而合理地享用該等物業﹕Union Lighterage Co. v. London Graving Dock Co. [1902] 2 Ch 557(芵國上訴法院)。如批地人讓與一塊土地的某部份、把保留的部份或分割的部份上鎖,因而須要讓予該部份進出的通道權,則會產生必要性地役權。雖然較早的案例指出必要性地役權是公共政策默示所產生的,使該土地不被封鎖而變成荒地,現今的觀點卻是僅從兩方在轉讓該幅被封鎖土地時的意願隱含此等地役權。如有其他出入途徑,即使是迂迴的或不方便的,則不會產生隱含的必要性地役權。當必要因素終止時,藉默示方式產生的必要性地役權終止,例如已興建一條連接被封鎖土地的新路。享用必要性地役權時,必需符合該土地在地役權產生時本身的用途。另見 Dominant tenement; Easement; Easement by implied grant; Easement by implied reservation; Right of way。




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