

单词 Mere equity
释义 純衡平法
A right in equity that is ancillary to an interest in land and is binding on a third party who has notice of its existence or is a volunteer. In a competition between a mere equity and a later equitable interest, the equitable interest prevails if acquired for value and without notice of the mere equity. Where an interest over land is enforced by virtue of the operation of equitable doctrines of specific performance, or by reason of, for example, informal agreement, representations inducing reliance, acquiescence, reciprocity or mutual benefit and burden, and estoppel, such rights are mere equities as opposed to easements: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0521]. The right to rescind is a mere equity, which will be defeated by a purchaser for value of any interest without notice: Loke Yew v Port Swetteham Rubber Co Ltd [1913] AC 491. A right to rectification in cases of mutual mistake is a mere equity and will not bind a purchaser for value without notice of the right: Smith v Jones [1954] 1 WLR 1089. See also Equitable estate; Equitable interest; Equity; Volunteer.
指從屬於土地權益的衡平法權利,及對知悉該權利存在的第三方或志願人員具有約束力。在純衡平法及衡平法權益之間的競爭中,如付出價值取得而沒有就純衡平法所作出的通知下,則以衡平法權益為準。當土地上的權益藉強制履行令的衡平法原則實施,或以非正式協議、其他誘使依賴、默認、互惠或相互利益及負擔的陳述,以及不容反悔法而強制執行,此等權利與地役權相對,即屬純衡平法:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0521]段。撤銷權利屬純衡平法,可就任何權利的價值而在沒有通知的情況下被買家推翻:Loke Yew v Port Swetteham Rubber Co Ltd [1913] AC 491。在相互錯誤的件中的更改權利屬純衡平法,在沒有就權利作出通知的情況下,對付出價值的買家不會構成約束力:Smith v Jones [1954] 1 WLR 1089。另見 Equitable estate; Equitable interest; Equity; Volunteer。




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