

单词 Appropriation bill
释义 撥款條例草案
A bill which provides for appropriation from the general revenue in respect of the approved estimates of expenditure on the services of the government for a financial year: Public Finance Ordinance (Cap 2) s 2. A bill containing the estimated financial requirements for expenditure on all the services of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region for the current or succeeding financial year: Rules of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LN 265 of 1998) r 67. See also Appropriation.
規定從政府一般收入撥款以應付某一財政年度政府服務的核准開支預算的條例草案:《公共財政條例》(第2章)第2條。載有現行財政年度或下一個財政年度香港特別行政區政府所有服務的開支預算的條例草案:《香港特別行政區政府立法會規則》(1998年第265號法律通告)第67條。另見 Appropriation。




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