

单词 Checks and balances
释义 權力與制衡
A constitutional device distinctly delimits powers amongst legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, ensuring that no dictatorial powers can be assumed by one person or a small group of persons in a government. In the United States, the constitution lays down ‘checks and balances’ so that no one branch of government is superior to the others. Such design can also be found in the Basic Law in relation to enactment of an ordinance in the Hong Kong SAR. The Chief Executive may return a bill emanating from the Legislative Council for reconsideration if he considers such bill to be incompatible with the overall interests of the Hong Kong SAR: Basic Law art 49. If the Legislative Council passes the original bill again by a two-thirds majority, the Chief Executive may sign it or dissolve the Legislative Council: art 50. However, if the new Legislative Council passes the same bill again by a two-thirds majority, the Chief Executive must either sign it or resign: art 52. See also Separation of power.
明確限定立法、行政及司法機關的權力的憲法工具,確保政府內並無個人或一小撮人士能行使獨裁權力。美國憲法規定「權力與制衡」,以確保無一政府機關凌駕於其他政府機關。就條例的制定,香港特區《基本法》亦有同類體制。行政長官如認為立法會通過的法案不符合香港特別行政區的整體利益,可將該法案發回立法會重議:《基本法》第49條。如立法會以不少於全體議員三分之二多數再次通過原案,行政長官可簽署該法案或解散立法會:《基本法》第50條。但如重選的立法會仍以全體議員三分之二多數再次通過該法案,行政長官則必須簽署或辭職:《基本法》第52條。另見Separation of power。




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