

单词 Distress damage feasant
释义 為損害賠償而扣押財物的行為
If any chattel is unlawfully on the land of a person and is doing damage, the person entitled to the possession of the land may, instead of bringing an action for trespass, distrain the chattel doing the damage, he may seize it, detain it or impound it in order to compel the owner to make compensation for the damage caused by the chattel: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.387]. See also Impoundment; Rule of distress damage feasant; Trespass.
凡任何實產非法地存在於某人的土地上,並對該地造成損害,則有權管有該土地的人可藉檢取、扣留或扣管有關的實產以代替提出侵入行為的訴訟,以強制實產擁有人就其實產引致的損害作出補償:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第25冊,侵權,第[380.387]段。另見 Impoundment; Rule of distress damage feasant; Trespass。




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