

单词 Protective trust
释义 保護信託
A statutory trust for life or for any lesser period established for a beneficiary which is to be determined upon the happening of certain specified events (such as bankruptcy of the beneficiary) where upon the trust income is then to be applied for the maintenance of the beneficiary and his or her family at the absolute discretion of the trustees: Re Coleman (1888) 39 Ch D 443; Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 35(1). See also Bare power; Beneficiary; Discretionary trust; Trust; Trust instrument.
為受益人確立的終身或任何較短期限的法定信託,在發生若干指明的事情時決定 (例如受益人破產)。在信託人的絕對酌情權下,有關的信託入息會用以應用於作為受益人及其家庭的生活費: Re Coleman (1888) 39 Ch D 443; 《受託人條例》(第29章)第35(1)條。另見 Bare power; Beneficiary; Discretionary trust; Trust; Trust instrument。




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