

单词 Funds in court
释义 法院儲存金
Any money or securities, movable property or any part thereof, standing in or to be placed to the Registrar’s account and includes boxes and other effects: High Court Suitors’ Funds Rules (Cap 4B) r 2. The funds are so lodged in court when there is a payment into court, when money is paid by way of security for costs and when money is paid in as a condition to leave to defend an action: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 14 r 4(3), O 22, O 23. Funds may be paid into court by trustees: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) s 62. Funds are also held on behalf of children and mentally incapacitated persons. An application can be made to the court for the payment or transfer to any person of any funds in court standing to the credit of any cause or matter or for the transfer of the funds to a separate account. See also Charging order; Judgment creditor; Judgment debtor; Stop order.
指存於或會存於司法常務官帳戶的任何款項或證券、動產或其任何部分,並包括箱盒及其他財物:《高等法院訴訟人儲存金規則》(第4B章)第2條。凡向法院繳付款項、就訟費以提供保證的方式繳付款項、以及作為獲准予就某訴訟作抗辯的條件繳付款項,則屬已交存於法院的儲存金:《高院法院規則》(第4A章)第14號命令第4(3)條規則、第22及23號命令。可由受託人向法院繳存款項:《受託人條例》(第29章)第62條。可代表兒童及精神上無行為能力的人而持有此等款項。可就下列事項向法院提出申請:向任何人支付或轉移任何已記入任何訟案或事宜的法院儲存金,或將該筆儲存金轉移至獨立帳戶上。另見 Charging order; Judgment creditor; Judgment debtor; Stop order。




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