

单词 Maritime jurisdiction
释义 海事管轄權
In international law, the jurisdiction pertaining to navigable waters and activities occurring on them. Maritime jurisdiction includes a coastal state’s legislative, executive, and judicial competence over the sea, or over activities on or under it in accordance with the law of the sea. For example, a coastal state enjoys absolute jurisdiction over its internal waters by virtue of territorial sovereignty: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 2. In the contiguous zone, its jurisdiction is limited to preventing and punishing infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws: art 54. See also Contiguous zone; Maritime law; Territorial sea.
根據國際法,關於通航水域及在水域範圍內發生的活動的司法管轄權。海事管轄權包括根據海洋法沿海國就立法、行政及海的上空或海上或海底的活動的司法權限。例如:沿海國憑藉領土主權對其內河水域享有絕對的司法管轄權:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第2條。就毗連區而言,其司法管轄權只限制於防止及懲罰違反其關稅、財務、入境或衛生法的行為:第54條。另見 Contiguous zone; Maritime law; Territorial sea.




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