

单词 Accrued right
释义 自然產生權益
In contract law, a right that survives termination of the contract, being unconditionally acquired. Rights that arise from the partial execution of the contract and causes of action that have accrued from its breach continue unaffected following termination. Two types of rights survive termination, the right to damages and the right to receive performance of accrued contractual obligations: Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] AC 827, 1 All ER 556 (HL); Woomera Co Ltd & Anor v Provident Centre Development Ltd [1985] HKLR 263 (CA). See also Damages; Performance; Termination.
在合約法中,合約終止後仍保存並在沒有限制的情況下取得的權益。局部履行合約所帶來的權益,及基於一方違約所產生的訴訟權繼續保留,不受合約終止影響。兩類在合約終止後仍保存的權益包括:損害賠償及獲取違約方履行已產生的合約義務:Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [1980] AC 827, 1 All ER 556(上議院);Woomera Co Ltd & Anor v Provident Centre Development Ltd [1985] HKLR 263(上訴法院)。另見 Damages; Performance; Termination。




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