

单词 Acquiescence
释义 默許
1.Abstaining from interference while one’s rights are being violated. 2. Refraining from seeking relief, once it is known that rights exist, for such a period that abandonment or release of the rights has occurred. 3. Delay by a plaintiff where to give relief would involve prejudice to the defendant or a third party.
Contract - Abstaining from interference while one’s rights are being violated, which may result in the loss of the right to equitable relief. If a person having a right, and seeing another person about to commit, or in the course of committing, an act of infringing upon that right, stands by in such a manner as really to induce the person committing the act, and who might otherwise have abstained from it, to believe that he assents to its being committed, he cannot afterwards be heard to complain of the act: De Bussche v Alt (1878) Ch D 286 (CA) per Thesiger LJ. See also Consent; Estoppel; Laches; Release; Waiver.
Foreign relations - Silent agreement or consent on a matter usually warranting objection or protest to claim the benefit of rights: Land, Island and Maritime Frontier case (El Salvador v Honduras) 1992 ICJ 351; Malcolm Shaw International Law (4th Ed) pp 350-2. The very act of passivity and inaction give rise to the binding effect: Temple of Preah Vihear case (Cambodia v Thailand) 1962 ICJ 6. See also Equity; Good faith.
Tort - Agreeing to allow a person to perform an otherwise tortious act upon the one acquiescing. Acquiescence normally operates as a complete defence to an action to tort, depriving the victim of the right of action on the ground that he or she has acquiesced in the activity: Bird v Jones (1845) 7 QB 742; Archibald Nugent Robinson v Balmain New Ferry Co Ltd [1910] AC 295 (PC).
1.自己的權利被侵犯時放棄干預。 2.當清楚有權在指定期間內追討濟助,而放棄追討權利。 3.與訟人之延誤而致使濟助會令答辯人或第三者蒙受不利。
合同 -   當自己的權利被侵犯時放棄干預,可能導致喪失權利追討衡平法濟助。如果某個人擁有某一權利而見到另一人準備或正在從事侵犯這權利的行為,他竟坐視不理,不提出任何抗議或企圖阻止,他就等於是誘使後者去進行侵權行為或是令到後者相信他同意侵權行為,而他不能在事後提出抗議:De Bussche v Alt (1878) Ch D 286(英國上訴法院)per Thesiger LJ。另見 Consent; Estoppel; Laches; Release; Waiver。
外交關係 - 在索取某些權利時有別於一般反對態度的沉默的同意或協議:Land, Island and Maritime Frontier case (El Salvador v Honduras) 1992 ICJ 351; Malcolm Shaw International Law(第4版)第350-2頁。消極及不反應可帶來約束效果:Temple of Preah Vihear case (Cambodia v Thailand) 1962 ICJ。另見 Equity; Good Faith。
侵權法 -   同意及容許他人去進行侵權行為。默許通常可用來對侵權行為抗辯,受害人會因默許某些行為而喪失追究之權利:Bird v Jones (1845) 7 QB 742; Archibald Nugent Robinson v Balmain New Ferry Co Ltd [1910] AC 295(樞密院)。 n.




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