

单词 Frivolous and vexatious
释义 瑣屑無聊及無理纏擾
Insupportable in law; disclosing no cause of action; groundless: Chaffers v Goldsmid [1894] 1 QB 186. Frivolous and vexatious litigation meant the continuance of which would amount to an abuse of process of the court. This constitutes a ground for striking out pleadings pursuant to the Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 18 r 19(1)(b): Wong Yu Kwong v Hong Kong Society for the Blind [1987] 3 HKC 186; A-G of the Duchy of Lancaster v London and North Western Rly Co [1892] 3 Ch 274 (CA). Where the court is satisfied that a person has habitually and persistently instituted vexatious proceedings, the court may order that no proceedings could be instituted without leave of the court: Sze Lai Man v Wing On Department Stores (HK) Ltd [2001] 1 HKC 297; Numatic Engineering Ltd v Peter Ying Hiu Tan (t/a Onward Trading Co) [1981] HKLR 4 (CA). See also Abuse of process; Statement of Claim.
在法律上沒有根據的;沒有顯示任何訴訟因由;毫無理由的:Chaffers v Goldsmid [1894] 1 QB 186。瑣屑無聊及無理纏擾的訴訟指繼續進行有關訴訟相當於濫用法院的程序。這構成法院可根據《高院法院規則》(第4A章)第18號命令第19(1)(b)條規則作出剔除狀書及註明的理由:Wong Yu Kwong v Hong Kong Society for the Blind [1987] 3 HKC 186;A-G of the Duchy of Lancaster v London and North Western Rly Co [1892] 3 Ch 274 (芵國上訴法院)。凡法院信納某人慣常及經常提起無理纏擾的法律程序,則可命令該人在沒有法院許可的情況下,不可提起法律程序:Sze Lai Man v Wing On Department Stores (HK) Ltd [2001] 1 HKC 297;Numatic Engineering Ltd v Peter Ying Hiu Tan (t/a Onward Trading Co) [1981] HKLR 4 (上訴法庭)。另見 Abuse of process; Statement of Claim。




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