

单词 Land registration
释义 土地註冊
The system of land registration in Hong Kong is registration of deeds whereby the registration serves to give priority to registered claims as against later registered transactions, and also acts as notice, or as a record, of a registered transaction with the land. In other words, the system in Hong Kong is one of registration, not of title but of dealings with land. Deeds, conveyances and other instruments in writing and judgments affecting land can be registered: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0379]. The document itself is only evidence of ownership and the registration is far removed from the legal effects of the underlying transaction. Therefore, registration cannot finally decide ownership and exclude inquiry into the underlying transactions: Hong Kong Chinese Bank Ltd v Sky Phone Ltd [2000] 3 HKLRD 749, [2001] 1 HKC 50 (CFI). See also Legal title.
在香港的土地註冊系統乃契據的註冊,即註冊會給已註冊的申索在針對後來註冊的交易起優先權之作用,註冊亦會就與土地所作的註冊交易,起通知或紀錄之作用。換言之,香港現行的系統並非所有權的註冊系統,而是與土地所作交易的註冊系統。契據,轉易契,及其他書面形式的文書或判決均可進行註冊:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0379]段。文件本身僅僅為所有權的證據,而註冊之舉遠離與所涉交易的法律效果。因此註冊不能最終決定所有權,以及不能免除對所涉交易作出調查:Hong Kong Chinese Bank Ltd v Sky Phone Ltd [2000] 3 HKLRD 749, [2001] 1 HKC 50(高等法院原訴庭)。另見 Legal title。




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