

单词 Right of contribution
释义 獲得分擔的權利
The right of an insurer, where an assured has double insurance on a risk, to proportional contribution from the other insurer. Where an insured is over-insured by double insurance, each insurer is bound, as between himself and the other insurers, to contribute rateably to the loss in proportion to the amount for which he is liable under his contract: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 80(1). The pre-requisite to the right of contribution is that the same interests must be covered by both policies, and it does not matter if other interests are covered by one of the policies, provided one interest covered by both is identical: Hepburn v Tomlinson (Hauliers) Ltd [1966] AC 451; Tai Ping Insurance Co Ltd v Tugu Insurance Co Ltd & Anor [2001] 2 HKC 401. The ratios to be applied in contribution may depend as much on the practices of insurers as on binding legal authority: Tai Ping Insurance Co Ltd v Tugu Insurance Co Ltd & Anor, supra. See also Contribution; Double insurance.
Guarantee and Indemnity - The right of a guarantor, who pays more than the appropriate share of a common liability, to compel contribution from any co-guarantor, whether they are bound severally (Ward v National Bank of New Zealand (1883) 8 App Cas 755 (PC)), or jointly and severally (Underhill v Horwood (1804) 10 Ves 209), and whether by the same or different instruments (Ellesmere Brewery Co v Cooper [1896] 1 QB 75), and whether or not the guarantor knew, when making the guarantee, of the existence of the co-guarantor (Whiting v Burke (1871) 6 Ch App 342). This right to contribution is founded not on contract but on a general equity which arises at the time of the guarantee on the ground of equality of burden and benefit: Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd v Provincial Insurance plc [1994] 1 AC 130, [1993] 3 All ER 1 (PC). The overpaying guarantor may claim contribution from the underpaying guarantor either by directly enforcing the legal and equitable right to equalise their contributions, or by taking over the creditor’s rights by subrogation: Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s15. See also Guarantee; Guarantor.
保險人的權利,鑒於受保人有重複保險,可要求其他保險人按比例分擔損失。凡受保人藉重複保險而作出超額投保,各保險人彼此之間,須按照各人根據其合約負有法律責任承擔的款額,依所佔的份額而按比率分擔損失:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第80(1)條。獲得分擔的權利的必要條件是兩份保單必須涵蓋相同的權益,如其他權益由其中一份保單涵蓋,則不要緊,但兩份保單須涵蓋其中一項相同的權益:Hepburn v Tomlinson (Hauliers) Ltd [1966] AC 451; Tai Ping Insurance Co Ltd v Tugu Insurance Co Ltd & Anor [2001] 2 HKC 401。計算分擔比率時可按照保險人的一般做法及適用的法律:Tai Ping Insurance Co Ltd v Tugu Insurance Co Ltd & Anor,見上文。另見 Contribution; Double insurance。
保證 - 及彌償  不論保證人是否各別受到約束 (Ward v National Bank of New Zealand (1883) 8 App Cas 755 (樞密院)),或共同及各別地受到約束(Underhill v Horwood (1804) 10 Ves 209),及不論是否由相同或不同的法律文件妁約束 (Ellesmere Brewery Co v Cooper [1896] 1 QB 75),及不論保證人是否在作出保證時知道共同保證人的存在(Whiting v Burke (1871) 6 Ch App 342),較共同法律責任的適當比率多付款額的保證人,有權強令其他共同保證人分擔款額。不會在合約上找到此分擔的權利,而是在一般的衡平法上,基於責任及利益平等的理由在作出保證時產生:Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd v Provincial Insurance plc [1994] 1 AC 130, [1993] 3 All ER 1(樞密院)。多付款額的保證人可向少付款額的保證人申索分擔,可藉直接強制執行法律上及衡平法上的權利使分擔相等,或藉代位取得債權人的權利:《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)第15條。另見 Guarantee; Guarantor。




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