

单词 Adoption
释义 領養/成立法團
1.An act signifying acceptance or approval. 2. Incorporation.
Conflict of laws - 1. The act by which the text of a proposed treaty is agreed upon and settled by those states involved in drawing up the treaty. Adoption does not necessarily mean that the parties have signed the treaty or intend to be bound by it. Adoption in an international conference takes place by two-thirds votes of the states present and voting: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 art 9(1). 2. The process of making international law part of municipal law through legislative implementation, judicial decisions, or established custom. For example, the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction signed in Hague on 25 October 1980 was adopted in the Hong Kong SAR through the Child Abduction and Custody Ordinance (Cap 512). Adoption, as a doctrine, asserts that there is a right to incorporate international law into municipal law. See also International law; Municipal law; Transformation.
Contract - Acceptance of a contractual obligation by which the adopter would not otherwise be legally bound: Peyman v Lanjani & Ors [1984] 3 All ER 703, [1985] Ch 457 (CA). See also Affirmation; Fraud; Misrepresentation.
Family law - A legal action or process by which an unmarried person under the age of 18, ceases to be the legal child of his or her birth parents or guardian, and becomes instead the child of the adoptive parents as if born to them in lawful wedlock: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290). After 31 December 1972, adoption could only be effected under the Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) while before 1 January 1973, adoption could also be effected under Chinese law and custom: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 25. Adoption under Chinese customary law and custom was predominantly for the purpose of providing a son to carry out sacrificial ancestral rites and so continue the cult of ancestors, and also be an heir to the property of adoptive father, as well as to continue the stock and keep the family name alive: Leonard Pegg, Family Law in Hong Kong (3rd Ed) p 278. The consent of every person who is a parent or guardian of the infant or who is liable to contribute to the maintenance of the infant is required before an adoption order will be made: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 5(5)(a). However, the court may dispense with such consent under certain circumstances: s 6, or declare an infant free for adoption: s 5A; Re Phillips [1987] 1 HKC 503 (HC). See also Adoption legislation; Adoption order; Biological parent.
1.明示接納或批准的作為。  2.成立法團。
法律衝突 -   1. 指議同擬訂條約的文本,以及由涉及草擬有關條約的國家予以確定。採納並不一定指各方己簽定有關的條約或擬受有關條約約束。 國際會議中,出席及有表決權的國家須以三分之二票通過有關的採納決議:《1969年維也納條約法公約》第9(1)條。  2. 指通過立法施行、司法決定或確定的習慣使國際法成為國內法一部分的過程。 例如1980年10月25日於海牙簽署的《國際擄拐兒童民事方面公約》通過《擄拐和管養兒童條例》(第512章)於香港特別行政區正式採納。 採納的原則主張國家有權將國際法收納為國內法。另見 International law; Municipal law; Transformation。
合約 - 合約義務的接納,根據該合約,如若無該合約規定,領養人本不應受合法約束:Peyman v Lanjani & Ors [1984] 3 All ER 703, [1985] Ch 457(英國上訴法院)。另見 Affirmation;Fraud;Misrepresentation。
家庭法 -   憑藉此等法律訴訟或過程,年齡在18歲以下的未婚人士,不再是其生父母或監護人的合法子女,取而代之成為領養父母的子女,猶如是該領養父母的合法婚生子女一樣:《領養條例》(第290章)。1972年12月31日以後,只可按照《領養條例》(第290章)在香港作出領養,但1973年1月1日以前的領養,亦可受中國法律及習俗影響:《領養條例》(第290章)第25條。按照中國習慣法和習慣而作出的領養主要是為了有後繼的男嗣,以履行祖傳習俗及因而可繼續祖先的祭儀,並可作為領養父親財產的繼承人,以及使家族得以延續、並保留家族的姓氏:Leonard Pegg, Family Law in Hong Kong (第3版)第278頁。在作出領養令前,須獲得未成年人的每一名家長或監護人的同意、或獲得負有法律責任分擔未成年人的生活費的每一名人士的同意:《領養條例》(第290章)第5(5)(a)條。但法院可在若干情況下免除此等同意:第 6條,或宣布某幼年人可在無須同意的情況下接受領養:第5A條; Re Phillips [1987] 1 HKC 503 (高等法院)。 另見 Adoption legislation; Adoption order; Biological parent。n.




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