

单词 Plaintiff
释义 原告人
In relation to civil procedure, ‘plaintiff’ includes every person asking any relief (otherwise than by way of counter-claim as a defendant) against any other person by any form of proceeding, whether the proceeding is by action, suit, petition, motion, summons or otherwise: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 2. See also Applicant; Civil proceedings; Claim; Claim for relief; Complainant; Petitioner.

就民事法律程序而言,「原告人 」包括所有以任何形式的法律程序(不論是藉訴訟、起訴、呈請、動議、傳票或其他形式的法律程序)針對任何其他人要求任何濟助的人(以被告人身分藉反申索要求濟助的人除外);《高等法院條例》(第4章)第2條。另見 Applicant; Civil proceedings; Claim; Claim for relief; Complainant; Petitioner。n.





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