

单词 Traffic accident
释义 交通意外

A broad term referring to the various kinds of unexpected and unintended occurrence, usually a collision, between two or more motor vehicles on a highway which results in injury or loss. A driver may be liable for a traffic accident where the accident was caused by his or her breach of traffic regulations, negligent conduct, or negligent failure to act. Traffic accidents can be avoided if a driver of a motor vehicle observes his or her duty to persons using or near the highway, to drive with skill and care and to ensure that his or her vehicle is mechanically safe to be driven: Moffat v Bateman (1869) LR 3 PC 115. Contributory negligence is often raised as a defence in traffic accidents, particularly where two vehicles collide, or where a passenger knowingly accepts a lift with a drunken driver: Owens v Brimmell [1977] 1 QB 859. Alternatively, a defendant may be exempt from tortious liability by successfully pleading the defence of inevitable accident: that is, the traffic accident could not have been avoided by any precautions which a reasonable person could have been expected to take: Stoomvaart Maatschappy Nederland v Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (1880) 5 App Cas 876. See also Contributory negligence; Negligence.
此涵義廣泛的用語指各種突發而非蓄意的事故,通常指在公路上多於一輛車輛並導致傷害或損失的碰撞。如司機違反交通規例、疏忽行事或因疏忽沒有行事並導致意外,則該司機可能負有該交通意外的法律責任。如任何車輛的司機遵守他/她對使用或靠近公路的人士的責任,即有技巧地及謹慎地駕駛,並確保其車輛的機械性能可供安全駕駛,則可避免交通意外發生:Moffat v Bateman (1869) LR 3 PC115。通常會在交通意外提出共分疏忽作為抗辯,特別是在兩車碰撞或乘客明知司機醉酒而接受乖坐他/她的車輛的情況:Owens v Brimmell [1977] 1 QB 859。如被告人以另一種方法成功地以無可避免的意外作訴抗辯,即不可憑藉任何合理的人可預期採取的防範措施避免涉及的交通意外,則被告人可獲轄免侵權行為法律責任:Stoomvaart Maatschappy Nederland v Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co (1880) 5 App Cas 876。另見 Contributory negligence; Negligence。





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