

单词 Joyriding
释义 擅自駕駛別人的車
A colloquial expression commonly applied to the offence of taking a motor vehicle or other conveyance for one’s own or another’s use without the consent of the owner or other lawful authority and with the intent to keep it or permanently deprive the owner of it, or driving a vehicle or allowing oneself to be carried in it knowing it to have been taken without authority. There is no offence of joyriding as such, but such conduct is generally charged and punished as ‘Taking conveyance without authority’: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 14. See also Larceny.
指適用於形容在未獲擁有人同意或未獲其他合法權限而取用汽車或其他運輸工具,以供其本人或另一人使用,並意圖保留該運輸工具或永久地從車主剝奪該運輸工具,或明知任何運輸工具是在未獲合法權限的情況下取用而仍然駕駛或乘坐該運輸工具的口頭用語。擅自駕駛別人的車本身不屬一項罪行,但該等行為可以‘未獲授權而取用運輸工具’的罪名被檢控及懲罰:《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第14條。另見 Larceny。




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