

单词 Equitable waste
释义 衡平法上的損耗
A category of waste regarded as wrongful in equity only. It arises where a person has a legal right to commit waste, but exercises that right in an unconscientious manner, such that a court of equity considers it ought to be restrained. Waste is any substantial alteration to the permanent character of land by a person who is in possession of the land under a limited interest, such as a life tenancy or a lease: West Ham Central Charity Board v East London Waterworks Co [1900] 1 Ch 624. See also Equity; Life tenant; Unimpeachable for waste; Waste.
僅在衡平法上被視為錯誤的損耗類別。如某人有合法權利作出損耗的行為,但以不衷誠的方式行使該等權利,因而衡平法法院視該等行為應被制止。損耗指某人對土地的永久特性作出的任何大幅改動,而該人是在有限的權益下管有該土地的,例如終身租用權或租契:West Ham Central Charity Board v East London Waterworks Co [1900] 1 Ch 624。另見 Equity; Life tenant; Unimpeachable for waste; Waste。




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