

单词 Gaming
释义 博彩
The playing of or at any game for winnings in money or other property whether or not any person playing the game is at risk of losing any money or other property: Gambling Ordinance (Cap 148) s 2. Gaming includes the betting on the sides or hands of those persons who are playing games. The common law definition includes games of pure skill: Ankers v Bartlett [1936] 1 KB 147 (DC). It only took place when there was the chance of losing as well as winning, that is, when a stake had been hazarded. In order to make an indirect benefit to the donor of a prize equivalent to a stake in the game, it would be necessary that a bet should be made or proffered before gaming began: McCollom Appellant v Wrightson Respondent [1968] AC 522 (HL); Lockwood v Cooper [1903] 2 KB 428 (DC). In deciding whether it was a social occasion, an objective test should be applied but all the circumstances of the gathering, and not only limited to those relating to the participants of a game played thereat, must be looked at: R v Leung Hing [1993] 1 HKC 479 (HC). Sharing of food or drinks purchased from a common fund made up of a portion of the winnings of the winner in each round did not amount to private gain: R v Leung Hing, supra. See also Betting; Gambling; Gaming machine.
指進行任何博彩遊戲或參加任何博彩遊戲,以贏得金錢或其他財產,不論任何進行該博彩遊戲的人是否有輸掉任何金錢或其他財產的風險:《賭博條例》(第148章)第2條。博彩包括把賭注押在正在參與博彩遊戲的人的一邊。在普通法上的定義包括純粹憑技巧取勝的博彩遊戲:Ankers v Bartlett [1936] 1 KB 147(英國地方法院)。在有輸或贏的機會的情況下(即經已以賭金作為賭注),才會有博彩的情況出現。為了使對獎賞捐贈者的間接利益與博彩遊戲中的賭金相等,應在遊戲開始前作出或提出有關的賭注:McCollom Appellant v Wrightson Respondent [1968] AC 522(上議院);Lockwood v Cooper [1903] 2 KB 428 (地方法院)。應採用客觀的驗證以決定某項活動是否屬社交活動,但須根據有關聚會中的所有情況予以考慮(而非僅限於與正在參與博彩遊戲的參加者有關的人士):R v Leung Hing [1993] 1 HKC 479 (高等法院)。在每一回合中,以勝利者的獎金或獎品中的一部分作為共有資金而購買的食物或飲品分享並非私有利益:R v Leung Hing, 見上文。另見 Betting; Gambling; Gaming machine。n.




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