

单词 Business
释义 商業、業務
Any form of trade, commerce, craftsmanship, profession, calling or other activity carried on for the purpose of gain and it also means a club: Business Registration Ordinance (Cap 310) s 2; Abernethie v AM & J Kleiman Ltd [1969] 2 All ER 790 (CA).
Lease and tenancies - A work, involving the recourse of numerous persons to the premises, that is done for payment: for example, subletting of premises in apartments, and the business of a school: Barton v Reed [1932] 1 Ch 362; Wauton v Coppard [1899] 1 Ch 92. It is deemed to be a business even without payment where the result is in effect the same as if a charge were made, thus a ‘home’ where working girls were boarded without payment was held in effect to be the business of a lodging house: Rolls v Miller (1884) 27 Ch D 71 (CA). The making of profit is not essential to constitute a business: Florent v Horez (1983) 48 P & CR 166 (CA).
Partnerships and joint ventures - A trade, occupation or profession. A business carried on by a partnership with a common view of profit, but not a registered company or any association formed or incorporated by or in pursuance of any ordinance: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 3.
Taxation and revenue ‘ - Business’ includes agricultural undertaking, poultry and pig rearing and the letting or sub-letting by any corporation to any person of any premises or portion thereof, and the sub-letting by any other person of any premises or portion of any premises held by him under a lease or tenancy other than from the Government: Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) s 2. Although only sub-letting by a person who is not a Government lessee automatically constitutes business, a sub-letting by an individual Government lessee may be so if the surrounding circumstances justify such a finding of more than a simple tenancy: Kwong Kwan Nang v CIR (1989) 2 HKTC 541. ‘Business’ may also embrace the mere passive receipt of income by a company: CIR v Bartica Investment Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 599 (HC).
指為了圖利而從事的任何形式的生意、商務、工藝、專業、職業或其他活動,同時亦指一所會社:《商業登記條例》(第310章) 第 2條; Abernethie v AM & J Kleiman Ltd [1969] 2 All ER 790 (芵國上訴法院)。
租賃 -   為款項的目的而作出涉及眾人使用有關處所的工作:例如轉租寓所的處所或學校的業務:Barton v Reed [1932] 1 Ch 362; Wauton v Coppard [1899] 1 Ch 92。如有關的結果實際上猶如已繳費一樣,則即使是在沒有付款的情況下進行,亦被視為業務;因此女工在沒有付款的情況下寄膳的「住所」被裁定為實際上屬於旅館的業務:Rolls v Miller (1884) 27 Ch D 71 (芵國上訴法院)。牟利並非構成業務的重要元素:Florent v Horez (1983) 48 P & CR 166 (上訴法院)。
合夥與合營企業 -   某任何貿易、職業或專業。指合夥為牟利而經營的業務,但非註冊公司、或任何根據有關條例而組成或成立為法團的組織:《合夥條例》(第38章)第 3條。
稅收與稅務 - 「業務」包括農業經營、家禽飼養及豬隻飼養、任何法團將任何處所或其部分出租或分租給任何人,及任何其他人將其根據租契或租賃(但不包括政府租契或政府租約)而持有的任何處所或其部分分租:《稅務條例》(第112章)第 2條。儘管只有非政府土地承租人的轉租才可自動構成業務,但如週圍的環境有充分理由支持作出超逾簡單租賃的裁斷,則個別政府土地承租人的轉租可構成業務:Kwong Kwan Nang v CIR (1989) 2 HKTC 541。「業務」亦可包含公司純粹被動的收入的收取:CIR v Bartica Investment Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 599 (高等法院)。n.




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