

单词 Finder
释义 尋獲財產者
A person who comes upon, encounters or discovers something by chance. The finder of property acquires a good title as against all but the true owner as he does not acquire any absolute property or ownership in the chattel: Armory v Delamirie (1722) 5 Stra 505, 93 ER 664; The Fat Kee Firm & Anor v The Po On Marine Insurance Co Ltd & Chan Wai Chi (1906-7) 2 HKLR 64; R v Ng Kam Chuen [1986] HKLR 1202 (HC). However, if such property is found in the course of the employment or agency of the finder, it belongs to the employer or principle: Corp of London & Ors v Appleyard & Anor [1963] 2 All ER 834; Parker v British Airways Board [1982] 1 All ER 834, QB 1004 (CA). Where such property is found on a land whereby the occupier of the land has a manifest intention to exercise control over the land and the things which may be upon or in it, the presumption is that the possession of that thing is in the occupier: South Staffordshire Water Co v Sharman [1895-99] All ER Rep 259, [1896] 2 QB 44 (DC). For any property which comes into the custody or possession of the police other than in connexion with any criminal charge, if the true owner claims it within three months, the finder of such property may be awarded to the amount of not exceeding one-fifth of the value of the property. If title to such property is not established within three months, such property may be returned to the finder: Police Force Ordinance (Cap 232) s 40(1), (2). See also Conversion.
偶然地遇上、碰到或發現某些物品的人。尋獲財產者取得相對於所有人(真正擁有人除外)的妥善所有權,因為尋獲者並無取得任何絕對財產或實產的擁有權:Armory v Delamirie (1722) 5 Stra 505, 93 ER 664;The Fat Kee Firm & Anor v The Po On Marine Insurance Co Ltd & Chan Wai Chi (1906-7) 2 HKLR 64;R v Ng Kam Chuen [1986] HKLR 1202 (高等法院)。但如此等財產是尋獲者在受僱或代理期間發現的,該財產會屬於其僱主或主事人:Corp of London & Ors v Appleyard & Anor [1963] 2 All ER 834;Parker v British Airways Board [1982] 1 All ER 834, QB 1004 (芵國上訴法院)。但凡此等財產是在土地上發現,而該土地佔用人有明顯意圖對該地及在其上或內的物品行使控制權,則推定該財產的管有權是由該佔用人享有:South Staffordshire Water Co v Sharman [1895-1899] All ER Rep 259, [1896] 2 QB 44 (英國地方法院)。任何由警方保管或管有、但並非與刑事控罪有關連的財產,如其真正擁有人在三個月以內將之認領,則此等尋獲者可獲判給一筆不超逾該財產價值五分之一的款項作為報酬。如該等財產的所有權在3個月內仍未確定,則尋獲財產者可獲發還該財產:《警隊條例》(第232章)第40(1)及(2)條。另見 Conversion。n.




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