

单词 Forensic psychiatry
释义 法醫精神病學
A branch of forensic pathology providing expert opinion in relation to diminished responsibility and mental illness. Where the defence of diminished responsibility had been raised, the medical evidence called for was that of a psychiatrist. A person without medical qualification was not sufficiently qualified to give psychiatric evidence for this purpose. The clear distinction between psychiatry and psychology and the absolute requirement of a medical qualification for a psychiatrist showed that a psychologist was not qualified to give medical evidence in the speciality of psychiatry. An abnormality of the mind ‘induced by disease’ was a matter of medical diagnosis: HKSAR v Tsang Chiu Tik & Anor [1999] 4 HKC 845, 3 HKLRD 301 (CA). See also Forensic.
司法病理學的其中一門學科,就減責神志失常及精神病提供專家意見。如帶出減責神志失常的抗辯,則所需傳喚的醫學證據須由精神科醫生提供。沒有醫學資歷的人不符合充分的資格為此等目的提供有關精神病學的證據。精神病學與心理學之間的明顯區別、以及精神科醫生所絕對需要具備的醫學資格,證明心理學家不符合就精神病學專科提供醫學證據的資格。「疾病所引起」的神志失常屬於醫學診斷的事項:HKSAR v Tsang Chiu Tik & Another [1999] 3 HKLRD 301, 4 HKC 845 (上訴法庭)。另見 Forensic。




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