

单词 Supervening illegality
释义 隨後發生的違法
In contract law, where the performance of a contract becomes illegal after its formation but before it has been discharged by performance. Where, during the course of the works, it becomes illegal to perform the contract at all, the contract will be frustrated and both parties will be discharged. But the contract will not necessarily be frustrated where the illegality affects only one of the contractor’s obligations or the time at which the contract is to be performed: Cricklewood Property and Investment Trust Ltd v Leighton’s Investment Trust Ltd [1945] AC 221, 1 All ER 252 (HL); Hangkam Kwingtong Woo v Liu Lan Fung [1946–1972] HKC 45, [1951] AC 707, 2 All ER 567 (PC). If the execution of the works is rendered illegal for a period of time longer than any delay contemplated by the parties at the time of the contract, the contract will be frustrated: Metropolitan Water Board v Dick, Kerr & Co Ltd [1918] AC 119 (HL). If an ancillary or subsidiary part of a contract is illegal, it may be possible to sever the illegal part and enforce the lawful remainder. The court will consider the substance of the transaction concerned to determine whether the contract is divisible: Carney v Herbert [1985] AC 301, [1985] 1 All ER 438 (PC); Harbour Assurance Co (UK) Ltd v Kansa General International Insurance Co Ltd [1993] QB 701, 3 All ER 897 (CA). See also Frustration; Illegal contract.
在合約法上,於合約成立後但憑藉履行解除合約之前,履行該等合約變成違法。如在某工程的過程中,履行有關的合約變成違法,則有關的合約會受挫失效,而合約雙方得以解除合約責任。但如有關的違法僅影響其中一間承辦商的責任,或履行有關合約的時間,則有關的合約不須因而受挫失效:Cricklewood Property and Investment Trust Ltd v Leighton’s Investment Trust Ltd [1945] AC 221, 1 All ER 252(上議院); Hangkam Kwingtong Woo v Liu Lan Fung [1946–1972] HKC 45, [1951] AC 707, 2 All ER 567 (樞密院)。如有關工程的執行,因較有關締約方在訂立合約時預期的任何延誤時間為長而被令致違法,則該等合約會因而受挫失效:Metropolitan Water Board v Dick, Kerr & Co Ltd [1918] AC 119(上議院)。如合約的附帶或附屬部分違法,或可劃分違法的部分及強制執行合法的剩餘部分。有關的法院會考慮有關交易的內容,以裁定有關的合約是否可予分割:Carney v Herbert [1985] AC 301, [1985] 1 All ER 438(樞密院); Harbour Assurance Co (UK) Ltd v Kansa General International Insurance Co Ltd [1993] QB 701, 3 All ER 897 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Frustration; Illegal contract。




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