

单词 Military will
释义 軍人遺囑
A privileged will in which, due to the special circumstances of the testator on actual naval, military or air force service, the normal testamentary formalities of writing, witnesses and attesting signatures do not apply: Wills Ordinance (Cap 30) s 6. The question whether at the time of making his will a person is privileged as being in ‘actual military service’ depends on the facts of each case and the circumstances which existed at the time. See also Nuncupative will; Privileged testator; Privileged will.
一種特權遺囑,該種遺囑由於實際服役於海軍、陸軍或空軍的立遺囑人所處情況特殊,故可無須遵照書面、見證人及見證簽署等常規遺囑手續:《遺囑條例》(第30章)第6條。某人在立遺囑時是否因「實際服役於陸軍」而享受特權,取決於各個案件的事實及當時的情況。另見 Nuncupative will; Privileged testator; Privileged will。




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