

单词 Conspiracy
释义 串謀
A conspiracy offence involved two or more persons who had reached an agreement to do an unlawful act or a lawful act by unlawful means. A conspiracy offence was shown in two ways: through the confession of the conspirator or by drawing objective inferences from the subsequent acts of the conspirators that they had previously reached an agreement: HKSAR v Lai Wai Cheong [1998] 1 HKC 364, 1 HKLRD 665 (CA). Conspiracy at common law is an indictable misdemeanour. At common law, there is one crime of conspiracy and not a number of separate crimes, the real issue is simply what the law regards as indictable as an unlawful conspiracy: Chan Siu Ming v R [1971] HKLR 118 (FC). Under statutes, a person who agrees with at least one other person that a course of conduct is to be pursued which, if the agreement is carried out in accordance with their intentions, commits an offence triable on indictment: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 159A. See also Actus reus.
Tort - An agreement of two or more to do an unlawful act, or to do a lawful act by unlawful means: Aktieselskabet Dansk Skibsfinansiering v Wheelock Manden & Co Ltd & Ors [1994] 2 HKC 264. See also Intentional tort; Pure economic loss.
串謀罪乃兩個或以上的人為作出違法作為或以違法手段作出合法作為達成協議。有兩種方式證明串謀罪:從同謀的供認,或從同謀其後的作為主觀推斷他們早前曾達成協議:HKSAR v Lai Wai Cheong [1998] 1 HKC 364, 1 HKLRD 665(上訴法院)。串謀在普通法下為可公訴罪行之失行罪。根據普通法,串謀是一項罪行,而不是多項不同的罪行,真正的爭論點僅是,什麼是法律認為足以達到可公訴罪行的違法串謀:Chan Siu Ming v R [1971] HKLR 118(全體法院)。法規規定,某人與最少另一人同意進行一連串的行為,而假如協議在按照他們的意願下完成,他們會犯上可作公訴罪行審訊的罪行:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第159A條。另見 Actus reus。
侵權法 - 至少兩人協議作出某項非法行為或循非法途徑作出某項合法行為:Aktieselskabet Dansk Skibsfinansiering v Wheelock Manden & Co Ltd & Ors [1994] 2 HKC 264。另見 Intentional tort; Pure economic loss。n.




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