

单词 Explosive
释义 炸藥
Generally, a substance used or manufactured with a view to produce a practical effect by explosion or pyrotechnic effect. Explosives include gunpowder, nitroglycerine, gelignite, blasting powder, detonators, fuses, fireworks, rockets, distress signals, safety cartridges and ammunition. In Hong Kong, it is an offence to make, possess, manufacture, import, export or transfer an explosive or explosive substance or unmarked plastic explosive: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) ss 55, 58. ‘Explosive substance’ includes any materials for making any explosive substance; also any apparatus, machine, implement or materials used, or intended to be used, or adapted for causing, or aiding in causing, any explosion in or with any explosive substance; also any part of any such apparatus, machine or implement: s 52. It is also unlawful to cause or attempt to cause by any explosive substance an explosion of a nature likely to endanger life or to cause serious injury to property: ss 53, 54. It is not necessary that the offender be in Hong Kong when the explosion takes place: R v Ellis (1991) 95 Cr App Rep 52. A person, who, by the supply of or solicitation for money, the providing of premises, the supply of materials or in any manner whatsoever procures, counsels, aids, abets, or in accessory to, the commission of this offence commits an offence and is liable to be tried and punished for the offence as if he had been guilty as a principle: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 56. See also Ammunition; Dangerous goods; Fireworks.
概括而言,指為了通過爆炸或煙火裝置產生實際效果而使用或製造的物品。爆炸品包括火藥、硝化甘油、葛里炸藥、黑色爆破炸藥、起爆管、導火線、煙火、火箭、遇難呼救訊號、安全彈藥筒及彈藥。在香港,如製造、管有、生產、輸入、輸出或轉移爆炸品或爆炸物質或無標記塑膠炸藥,即屬犯罪:《刑事罪行條例》 (第200章)第55及58條。「爆炸品」須當作包括製造爆炸品的物料;亦包括用以、擬用以、改裝以導致或協助導致爆炸品本身爆炸或與爆炸品一起爆炸的任何裝置、機器、器具或物料;且亦包括該類裝置、機器或器具的任何部分:第52條。任何人非法導致或企圖藉任何爆炸品導致爆炸,而該爆炸的性質相當可能會危害生命或對財產造成嚴重損害,亦屬犯罪:第53及54條。在爆炸發生時,犯罪者無須在香港:R v Ellis (1991) 95 Cr App Rep 52。任何人藉提供金錢或以金錢唆使、提供處所、供應物料或其他方式,促致、慫使、協助或教唆犯本部所訂罪行,或以從犯身分犯本部所訂罪行,即屬犯罪,可因該罪行而受審訊及懲處,猶如他是主犯一樣:《刑事罪行條例》 (第200章)第56條。另見 Ammunition; Dangerous goods; Fireworks。n.




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