单词 | Licence |
释义 | 特許 A permit to do something without which the act would be unlawful. Where any ordinances confer power upon person to issue, grant, give or renew any licence, the person so empowered shall have a discretion either to issue, grant, give or renew or to refuse to issue, grant, give or renew such licence: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 41. Corporations - A licence granted by the Registrar of Companies to direct an association to be registered as a company with limited liability, without the addition of (1) if the name of the association is in English, the word ‘Limited’ to its name; (2) if the name of the association is in Chinese, the expression in Chinese for ‘Limited’ in Chinese characters to its name; and (3) if the name of the association is both in English and Chinese, such word and expression to its name in English and Chinese respectively; and the association may be registered accordingly, where it is proved to the satisfaction of the Registrar that the association about to be formed as a limited company is to be formed for promoting commerce, art, science, religion, charity, or any other useful object, and intends to apply its profits, if any, or other income in promoting its objects, and to prohibit the payment of any dividend to its members: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 21(1). Intellectual property - In copyright law, a permission authorising the licensee to use copyright material in a way that would otherwise be a breach of the copyright owner’s proprietary rights, or to exercise a right which would otherwise be exercisable exclusively by the copyright owner. For example, to manufacture optical discs: Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance (Cap 544) s 3(1). The Commissioner of Customs and Excise may revoke the licence: ss 11(1), 12(1). A licence may be granted on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 218. See also Exclusive licence; Exclusive rights; Non-exclusive licence; Statutory licence. Liquor - A licence for the sale or supply of liquor for consumption on the premises specified: Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109) s 2. In Hong Kong, the Secretary for the Environment and Food may by regulation provide for the fees payable for liquor licences and the Liquor Licensing Board is empowered to issue, including fees for the issue of a liquor licence or a duplicate licence and renewal, transfer or amendment of a liquor licence and for authorising a person to manage premises for which a licence has been issued, in place of the licence holder: ss 6, 6A. Licences are usually subject to prescribed and imposed conditions: s 7(1). See also Club. Real property - A permission to use land which falls short of exclusive possession or a right which fails to qualify as an easement because it lacks one or more of the essential characteristics: Nield, Hong Kong Land Law (2nd Ed, Longman) ch 18 p 487. It does not create an interest in land: Winter Garden Theatre (London) Ltd v Millennium Productions Ltd [1947] 2 All ER 311, [1948] AC 173 (HL). It is a personal interest which when giving occupation rights or access to land, simply acts as a defence to an action in trespass. No interest in land is created even if the licence is coupled with a contract. In some cases, the licence will be coupled with a grant of an interest in land. In these circumstances, the grant does create an interest in land, but the licence remains a personal interest: Sihombing & Wilkinson, A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) ch 14 p 853. See also Bare licence; Contractual licence; Licence coupled with a grant; Lease. 一個准許做出某作為的准許證,而沒有它該行為則會變得不合法。凡條例授權力予任何人發出、批給、發給或續發任何許可證,獲授該權力的人有權酌情決定發出、批給、發給或續發,或拒絕發出、批給、發給或續發該許可證:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第41條。 法團 - 公司註冊處處長批給的特許證,它指示某組織可註冊為有限法律責任的公司而無須(1) ((如該組織的名稱是英文名稱)在其名稱中加入‘Limited’一字;(2)(如該組織的名稱是中文名稱)在其名稱中加入“有限公司”一詞;及(3)(如該組織的名稱是中英文名稱)在其中文名稱及英文名稱中分別加入該詞及該字;如有證明提出,令處長信納該即將組成為有限公司的組織,其組成的宗旨是為了促進商業、藝術、科學、宗教、慈善或為了其他具效益的宗旨,並擬將其利潤(如有的話)及其他收入用於實踐其宗旨,且擬禁止向其成員支付任何股息,該組織即可按上述註冊:《公司條例》(第32章)第21(1)條。 知識產權 - 就版權法而言,授權特許持有人使用版權的准許,而使用的方式是假如沒有該准許便會構成違反版權所有人的所有權權利,或授權特許持有人行使本來僅能由版權所有人單獨行使的權利之准許,舉例,製造光碟:《防止盜用版權條例》(第544章)第3(1)條。香港海關關長可撤銷該特許:第11(1)及12(1)條。特許可以是專用的或非專用的:《版權條例》(第528章)第218條。另見 Exclusive licence; Exclusive rights; Non-exclusive licence; Statutory licence。 酒類 - 在牌照指明的處所售賣或供應酒類以供在該處所飲用的牌照:《應課稅品條例》(第109章)第2條。在香港,環境食物局局長可藉規例,就取得酒牌應付的費用作出規定,酒牌局並獲賦權發出酒牌,包括就酒牌或酒牌複本的發出、就酒牌的續期、轉酒或修訂須繳付的費用,以及就任何人取得酒牌局的批准以代替持牌人管理領有牌照處所而須繳付的費用:第6及6A條。酒牌通常受訂明及施加的條件所規限:第7(1)條。另見 Club。 土地財產 - 使用土地的准許,它的權利未及獨有享有權,或者它因為缺乏一樣或多於一樣的主要特性而未能成為地役權:Sarah Nield Hong Kong Land Law (Longman, 第2版,1997年)第18章第487頁。特許並不產生土地權益:Winter Garden Theatre (London) Ltd v Millennium Productions Ltd [1947] 2 All ER 311, [1948] AC 173 (上議院)。它是給予就土地的佔用權或允許進出土地的一項個人權益,就侵入法律程序它僅作為抗辯理由。就算是與合約一同發出,特許並不產生土地權益。某些個案中,特許會與某土地權益一起批出。在該種情形下,批予會產生土地權益,但該特許仍然是一項個人權益:Sihombing & Wilkinson A Student’s Guide to Hong Kong Conveyancing (2nd Ed) ch 14 p 853。另見 Bare licence; Contractual licence; Licence coupled with a grant; Lease。n. |
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