

单词 Liquidator
释义 清盤人
A person appointed, in a winding up of a company, to assume the control of the company’s affairs and to discharge its liabilities in preparation for its dissolution. The liquidator ascertains the liabilities of the company, converts its assets into money, terminates its contracts, disposes of its business, distributes the net assets to creditors and any surplus to the proprietors, and extinguishes the company as a legal entity by formal dissolution: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 199. The court may appoint a liquidator provisionally at any time after the presentation of the winding-up petition. The appointment of a provisional liquidator may be made at any time before the making of a winding-up order and either the Official Receiver or any other fit person may be appointed: s 193. On a winding-up order being made, the provisional liquidator shall continue to act until he or another person becomes the liquidator: s 194. See also Provisional liquidator; Winding up.
當某公司清盤時,獲委任的人,對公司的事務加以控制,並在準備其解散時執行其法律責任。清盤人負責確定公司的法律責任、將其資產折成現金、終止其合約、處置其業務、將其淨資產派發予債權人,並將其剩餘給予所有人,及透過正式解散終絕該公司作為合法單位的地位:《公司條例》(第32章)第199條。法院可於清盤呈請提出後的任何時候,臨時委任一名清盤人。臨時清盤人的委任,可在清盤令作出前的任何時候作出,而破產管理署署長或任何其他合適的人,均可被委任為臨時清盤人:第193條。清盤令一經作出,臨時清盤人須繼續以臨時清盤人身分行事,直至其本人或另一人成為清盤人:第194條。另見 Provisional liquidator; Winding up。n.




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