

单词 Landlord's fixtures
释义 業主的固定物
Fixtures that cannot be removed by the tenant from the premises: Boswell Crucible Steel Co [1924] All ER Rep 298, [1925] 1 KB 119 (CA). This term includes fixtures attached to the premises at the date of the demise, those fixed by the landlord during the term, and also those fixed by the tenant which he is not entitled to remove: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 17, Landlord and Tenant [235.124]. See also Fixture; Good repair; Landlord; Tenant’s fixtures.
不能被租客自處所搬走的固定物: Boswell Crucible Steel Co [1924] All ER Rep 298, [1925] 1 KB 119(英國上訴法院)。此詞包含在出租日附連在處所的固定物,業主在租約期間固定裝設的,及租客在租約期間固定裝設的,租客均沒有權搬走:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第17冊,業主與租客,第[235.124]段。另見 Fixture; Good repair; Landlord; Tenant’s fixtures。




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