

单词 Non-use
释义 不予使用
The failure to exercise a right (particularly over land) for a sufficient period of time. An easement may be lost through a long period of non-use accompanied by an intention to abandon it. Non-use itself is not necessarily evidence of intention to abandon: Guang Zhou Real Estate Development (HK) Co Ltd & Anor v Summit Elegance Ltd [2000] 2 HKLRD 855. No requisite period of non-use is required at common law or by legislation. Also known as ‘non-user’. See also Abandonment; Adverse possession; Easement; Indefeasibility of title; Prescription.
指在足夠的期限之內無法行使某權利(尤其是土地上的權利)。任何地役權通過長時期不予使用後,並附有棄置意圖的情況下,可能會造成損失。不予使用本身並不必要作為棄置意圖的證據:Guang Zhou Real Estate Development (HK) Co Ltd & Anor v Summit Elegance Ltd [2000] 2 HKLRD 855。根據普通法或法例,不予使用並沒有必需的時限。另稱「非使用者」。另見 Abandonment; Adverse possession; Easement; Indefeasibility of title; Prescription。




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