

单词 Absent
释义 沒有出現
A relational status recognised by law. It is a defence to a charge of bigamy. Where a spouse has been continuously absent for seven years and the remaining spouse does not know whether the person is alive, the remaining spouse may remarry: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 45. See also Bigamy.
受法律承認的親屬關係狀況,對重婚罪的指控的免責辯護。當一名配偶於七年內一直沒有出現,且剩下的配偶得不到該人仍在生的消息,剩下的配偶將可再婚:《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第45條。另見 Bigamy。adj.




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