

单词 Fornication
释义 私通
1. Voluntary sexual intercourse between people who are unmarried. 2. Publishing a magazine containing advertisements which have as their object inducing fornication is held to come within conspiracy to corrupt public morals: Shaw v DPP [1961] 2 All ER 446, [1962] AC 237 (HL). See also Adultery; Divorce; Irretrievable breakdown; Sexual intercourse.
1. 未婚者之間自願發生的性行為。  2. 發布含有以誘使別人私通為主題的廣告的雜誌會被視為敗壞公眾道德的串謀:Shaw v DPP [1962] AC 237, [1961] 2 All ER 446 (上議院)。另見 Adultery; Divorce; Irretrievable breakdown; Sexual intercourse。n.




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