

单词 Amend
释义 修訂

In criminal law, to alter the wording of the initiating process such as an information, complaint, or indictment, so as to correct an error or misdescription in the wording of the charge or count, or so that the allegation contained in the charge or count where there is a variation between the evidence and the particulars alleged by the prosecution: Magistrates Ordinance (Cap 227) ss 23, 27; District Court Ordinance (Cap 336) s 79; Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) ss 23, 53. It includes repeal, add to or vary and the doing of all or any of such things simultaneously or by the same Ordinance or instrument: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. There are limits on the power to amend in the Magistrate’s courts: A-G v Wong Lau (t/a Kin Keung Construction & Engineering Co) [1993] 1 HKCLR 257 (HC). Amendment of the charge sheet without the defendant’s knowledge does not necessarily nullify the charge or the trial: R v Tse Yu [1996] 1 HKC 47 (CA). See also Complaint; Indictment; Information; Particulars.
就刑事法而言,更改起訴程序(如刑事告發書、申訴書或公訴書)內的字眼,以更正控罪書或罪名中出錯的字眼或誤述。如控方提出的罪行細節與證據有差異時,該修訂則包括指控的內容:《裁判官條例》(第227章)第23及27條;《區域法院條例》(第336章)第79條;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第23及53條。修訂包括廢除、增補或更改,亦指同時進行或以同一條例或文書進行上述全部或其中任何事項:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。裁判法院就修訂的權力有限制:A-G v Wong Lau (t/a Kin Keung Construction & Engineering Co) [1993] 1 HKCLR 257(高等法院)。在被告不知悉的情況下修訂控罪書不一定使控罪或審訊無效:R v Tse Yu [1996] 2 HKC 77(上訴法院)。另見 Complaint; Indictment; Information; Particulars。v.





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