

单词 Contravene
释义 違反
To breach, neglect, offend against or fail to comply with a requirement or prohibition. ‘Contravene’ in relation to any requirement or condition prescribed in any ordinance or in any grant, permit, licence, lease or authority granted under or by virtue of any ordinance includes a failure to comply with that requirement or condition: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 3. A piece of legislation is said to have contravened the constitution if it is inconsistent with the provisions of the constitution. In Hong Kong, no law shall contravene the Basic Law: Basic Law art 11. See also Contravention.
觸犯、忽視、違犯或不遵守某規定或禁止令。「違反」一詞用於條例所訂明的規定或條件時,或用於根據、憑藉條例而發給的批予、許可證、牌照、租約或權限文件之中所訂明的規定或條件時,包括不遵守該規定或條件:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章)第3條。若一項條例與憲法的條文相抵觸,則稱為違反該憲法。在香港,任何法律均不得同《基本法》相抵觸:《基本法》第11條。另見 Contravention。v.




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