

单词 Unsworn statement
释义 未經宣誓的陳述
A statement that was not sworn and was not subject to cross examination, given by an accused person in answer to an indictment. The common law right of a person charged to make a statement without being sworn has been abolished: Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 54(2). A barrister is permitted to make a statement from the bar without being sworn on any matter within his knowledge in connection with the case, for example when a question of his authority to enter into a compromise has arisen. Also known as ‘statement from the dock’ or ‘unsworn dock statement’. See also Competence; Evidence; Sworn evidence.
回應公訴書時,由被控人未經宣誓下及不受制於盤問而作出的陳述。被控告的人未經宣誓而作陳述的普通法上權利已被廢除:《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第54(2)條。大律師獲准在律師席上未經宣誓下,就任何其所知而與案件有關連的事項作出陳述,例如當其呈交妥協的權力受懷疑。另稱「於被告席上作出的陳述」或「於被告席上作出未經宣誓下的陳述」。另見 Competence; Evidence; Sworn evidence。




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