

单词 Strong v Bird, rule in
释义 Strong訴Bird之原則
The equitable rule, derived from Strong v Bird (1874) LR 18 Eq 315, which is applied after the death of an intending donor, to perfect an inter vivos gift which failed for want of compliance with the legal requirement for complete divesting of title during the life of the intending donor. The rule allows such a gift to be perfected if the testator expressed the intention before death to complete divesting the gift but was unable to do so for whatever reason. The gift must be intended for the donee and the donee must have been appointed as executor of the estate in order for the rule to operate. The rule appears to be an exception to the maxim that ‘equity will not perfect an imperfect gift’: Re Gonin [1979] Ch 16, sub nom Re Gonin, Gonin v Garmeson [1977] 2 All ER 720. See also Gift; Inter vivos; Testator.
源於Strong v Bird (1874) LR 18 Eq 315的衡平法規則,可在預定贈與人去世後引用,目的在於完成生者之間/在世時,因無遵守在預定贈與人的生命內完全剝奪所有權的法律規定而未能成立的饋贈。如有關的立遺囑人明示在去世前完成剝奪有關的饋贈,但不論因合何理由不能做到,則此原則准予完成該等饋贈。有關的饋贈須意圖為受贈人作出,而該受贈人須已被委任為遺產的執行人,而便執行有關的原則。此原則看似是「衡平法不會完成不完備饋贈」的規則的例外情況:Re Gonin [1979] Ch 16, sub nom Re Gonin, Gonin v Garmeson [1977] 2 All ER 720。另見 Gift; Inter vivos; Testator。




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