

单词 Self-help
释义 自助
An action undertaken by a person who has suffered injury from another’s wrong to obtain redress without recourse to a court. A litigant who resorts to self-help to obtain the remedy without the assistance of the court and thereby pre-empts the decision of the court does not commit a contempt by impeding or prejudicing the course of justice: Re Lonrho plc [1990] 2 AC 154, [1989] 2 All ER 1100 (HL).
Conflict of laws - Unilateral action taken by a state to remedy an injury caused by another state which has violated an obligation under international law. A self-help remedy involves no resort to an international forum, such as the International Court of Justice. An example is the rescue operation by Israeli commandos at Entebbe Airport, Uganda on 4 July 1976, freeing 100 hostages. The Charter of the United Nations 1945 does not recognize self-help. See also International law.
Contract - Rights which are enforceable without the need to have recourse to the courts. In the law of contract, most remedies are self-help remedies; for example, termination for breach or repudiation, and rescission for misrepresentation or mistake. Self-help provisions which purport to quantify or limit curial relief, or allow the retention of money received under the contract, are subject to certain restrictions: for example, rules against provisions imposing penalties, the jurisdiction of courts to grant relief against forfeiture, general equitable principles, and statutory provisions. See also Breach of contract; Misrepresentation; Penalty; Relief against forfeiture; Repudiation; Rescission; Termination; Termination clause.
Tort - An extra-judicial remedy available in certain torts, including trespass and nuisance. In trespass to land, the person in possession may eject a trespasser using such force as is reasonably necessary: Hemmings v Stoke Poges Golf Club Ltd [1920] 1 KB 720. Abatement of nuisance by self-help may include entering another’s land to end the nuisance and is a defence to trespass, although it is not favoured by law: Lagan Navigation Co v Lambeg Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing Co Ltd [1927] AC 226. Recaption of chattels without judicial process by a person who has been unlawfully dispossessed of them is also permitted: Capital Finance Co Ltd v Bray [1964] 1 All ER 603, 1 WLR 323. The remedy of self-help must only be used where there are no other reasonable alternatives: Lloyd v DPP [1992] 1 All ER 982. See also Abatement; Trespass.
某人因另一人的過失而蒙受傷害,並在沒有依賴法院的情況下,採取行動以取得糾正。 在沒有法院援助的情況下使用自助的方式以取得糾正,並因而取得先於法庭的決定的訴訟人,並非因妨礙或損害司法公正而犯藐視行為:Re Lonrho plc [1990] 2 AC 154, [1989] 2 All ER 1100 (上議院)。
衝突法 -   某國採取單方面的行動,以補救因另一國違反其國際法下的義務而引致前者國家所受的傷害。自助補救牽涉不向國際,如國際法院求助。例如以色列突擊隊於1976年7月4日在烏干達安達比機場救出100名人質的拯救行動。《1945年聯合國憲章》並不認可自助行為。另見 International law。
合約 -   在無須依靠法院的情況下,可強制執行的權利。在合約法,大多數補救是自助補救;例如因違約或廢除而終止,及因失實陳述或錯誤而撤銷。其意是確定或限制補救濟助,或其意是准許保留根據合約收取的款項的自助條文,受制於若干限制:例如針對加諸罰金的條文的規則,法院授予針對沒收的濟助的司法管轄權,一般的衡平法原則,及法定條文。另見 Breach of contract; Misrepresentation; Penalty; Relief against forfeiture; Repudiation; Rescission; Termination; Termination clause。
侵權 -   在若干侵權行為(包括侵入行為和滋擾)可用的司法以外的補救方法。就侵佔土地而言,管有的人可在有需要時合理地以自助的方法強迫侵入者離開:Hemmings v Stoke Poges Golf Club Ltd [1920] 1 KB 720。以自助減除滋擾可包括進入他人的土地以終止有關的滋擾,儘管法律並不支持但可作為侵佔的抗辯:Lagan Navigation Co v Lawbeg Bleaching, Dyeing and Finishing Co Ltd [1927] AC 226。也准許被非法剝奪管有實產的人在沒有透過司法訴訟程序下,自行奪回實產: Capital Finance Co Ltd v Bray [1964] 1 All ER 603, 1 WLR 323。在沒有其他合理的選擇下才可使用自助的補救:Lloyd v DPP [1992] 1 All ER 982。另見 Abatement; Trespass。




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