

单词 Entrapment
释义 誘補
The act of a law enforcement agent in inducing a person to commit an offence which the person would not have, or was unlikely to have, otherwise committed. Entrapment is not a defence: R v Sang [1979] 3 WLR 263, 2 All ER 1222, 69 Cr App R 282, [1980] AC 402 (HL). However, evidence of entrapment may be grounds for the exercise of the residual discretion to exclude the evidence if the use of those methods amounted to unfairly or improperly obtaining evidence: Williams v DPP [1993] 3 All ER 365 (DC); S-J v Lam Tat Ming [2000] 2 HKC 693, 2 HKLRD 431 (CFA); Bruce & McCoy, Criminal Evidence in Hong Kong para I [801]–[901]. Entrapment may be a matter of mitigation in sentence: R v Wu Man Hon [1993] 2 HKC 267 (CA); Cross & Cheung, Sentencing in Hong Kong (3rd Ed) p 297-9. See also Agent provocateur.
執法機關人員誘使一人犯法的行為,否則該人在其他情況下不會、或相當可能不會犯法。誘補不是免責抗辯:R v Sang [1980] AC 402, [1979] 3 WLR 263, 2 All ER 1222, 69 Cr App R 282 (上議院)。如所使用的方法相當於不公平或不正當地取得證據,則誘補的證據可作為行使剩餘酌情決定權作出排除該等證據的理由:Williams v DPP [1993] 3 All ER 365 (英國地方法院);S-J v Lam Tat Ming [2000] 2 HKC 693, 2 HKLRD 431(終審法院);Bruce & McCoy, Criminal Evidence in Hong Kong 第 I [801]至[901]段。誘補可作為減輕刑罰的事項:R v Wu Man Hon [1993] 2 HKC 267 (上訴法庭);Cross & Cheung, Sentencing in Hong Kong(第3版)第297至299頁。另見 Agent provocateur。n.




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