

单词 Durante absentia
释义 在缺席期間
Lat – during absence. 1.In relation to a court decision made in the absence of the party. 2. In succession law, a limited grant of representation made to another person where the executor nominated in the will is abroad at the death of the deceased or where the executor or administrator already appointed has gone abroad after the grant of probate issued to him or her: Re Grant (1876) 1 P D 435; Re Suarez [1897] P 82; Probate and Administration Ordinance (Cap 10) s 36. If no grant has been made to the absent personal representative, the provisional grant which was issued to another to cover the period of absence ceases to have effect on the return of the personal representative to the jurisdiction. If a grant has already been made to the absent personal representative, it remains in force until the purpose of the grant has been fulfilled. See also Cessate grant; Durante dementia; Limited grant.
拉丁語 1. 有關法院在一方缺席的情況下作出的決定。  2. 在繼承法中,如有關遺囑指定的遺囑執行人在死者去世時身處香港以外的地方,或如已獲委任的遺囑執行人或遺產管理人在法院向該人發出遺囑認證後已離開香港,則指向另一人發出的有限遺產承辦授予書:Re Grant (1876) 1 P D 435;Re Suarez [1897] P 82;《遺囑認證及遺產管理條例》(第10章)第36條。如法院沒有就缺席的遺產代理人發出授予書,則向另一人發出以彌補缺席期的臨時授予書,在有關的遺產代理人返回其司法管轄區後將停止有效。如法院已就缺席的遺產代理人發出授予書,則該份授予書將保持有效,直至已履行其用途為止。另見Cessate grant; Durante dementia; Limited grant。




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