

单词 Revolution
释义 革命
A large scale revolt which aims at overthrowing a government in power, or seceding from a state by those who have been subject to that government or state. A unilateral declaration of independence is a revolutionary act. International law does not forbid a revolution; nor does it prevent the incumbent government from pacifying revolution by any means. The term ‘revolution’ has no precise meaning in international law: Pinson case [1941] 2 All ER 636, 2 KB 72. If a revolution occurs in the Hong Kong SAR, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress has the authority to declare that Hong Kong is in a state of emergency and the Central People’s Government may issue an order to apply the relevant Chinese national laws to Hong Kong: Basic Law art 18 para 4.
目的在於推翻執政政府的大型起義或脫離曾經受制於有關政府或國家的人。單方面宣布獨立是革命行為。國際法並不禁止革命;也不阻止在位的政府以任何方法平息有關的革命。「革命」一詞在國際法並沒有明確的意思:Pinson case 5 RIAA 327。如革命在香港特別行政區發生,中華人民共和國全國人大常務委員會有權宣布香港處於緊急狀態之中,中央人民政府可發布命令將有關全國性法律在香港特別行政區實施:《基本法》第18條第4段。n.




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